To Our Valued Customer,
As a growing number of states implement restrictions on business activity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to reassure you that these directives do not apply to rail operations and should not impact CSX’s service to your facilities
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Dear Catherine,
March 25, 2020
We are contacting you in the wake of yesterday’s announcements in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario calling for non-essential businesses to close no later than midnigh
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Updates from the GPA email handle (they provide daily updates, usually multiple times a day):
UPDATE: March 24, 2020
Dear friends & colleagues,
Amid the global disruptions related to COVID-19, the GPA is receivin
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March 17, 2020
Dear valued Customer & Partners:
Based on the present COVID-19 global impact the Supply Chains have are being stressed to meet demand while also protecting our team members and their families. Collectively we wish everyone the very best an
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